Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Just Wondering....

I was just sitting here wondering what are the most important issues about our day and time that we want to see our new President focus on? While all the talk is about Iraq and "change" (whatever that means), I was wondering what a candidate's platform would be like if he focused on those things that the American people want the most.

People say that people say McCain wants more war and that, with him, we will have 4 more years of "Bush". Other people say that people say that Obama wants change, including beefing up our troops in Afghanistan and doing more war. Hillary, on the other hand, wants Health Care changes......I kind of like that! Now that I'm getting older; drifting closer to retirement; health care is an issue for me! A decent health care plan can cost me $600-$900/month ....just ME!

So I was wondering.....

What kind of things do YOU want to see? What do YOU think our country needs?

I have recently heard advertisements by T. Boone Pickens, paid for by T. Boone Pickens, talking about alternative energy for our country; how we could harness wind power to produce electricity which would free up 20% of our Natural Gas resources, which could then be used to power a lot of vehicles, reducing our dependance on foreign oil.

I'm sure there are a lot of things to consider when venturing into this untouched world and that details would have to be worked out, and all. But this sounds REALLY GOOD to me! I could buy into that with no problem! I would love to see us develope Nuclear Power and be able to harness it to run our homes and cars! I would love nothing more than to see our dependance upon foreign oil, diminish completely!

So here are some of my things....

Develope alternative energy for cars.
Vacate our troops from Afghanistan and Iraq.
Lower the high cost of health care; make it available for everyone.
Shore up our economy.
Drill and bring up oil from within our own borders.
Restrict overseas "bail-outs" to countries who simply "use us".
Buy back our country from foreign interests; our land belongs to US.
Tighten our borders from illegals and terrorists.
Show little mercy to countries who send terrorists into ours.
Create jobs.
Get serious about the drug war; harsh sentences to those who manufacture, smuggle, and sell drugs in our country.
No more "Hilton" prisons! Turn off the air conditioning; soup and bread meals...three times a day; no smoking; no TV; no Gyms; hard work for hard time! Keep it simple...make it unfun!

Well......dreaming is fun. Do you have any ideas??

Friday, July 18, 2008

When Pigs Fly....

Obama’s platform of promising “change” has been rhetorical, at best. Thus far, we have learned little about these Obama "Pie in the sky” changes. Hopefully, more details will follow and the pie in the sky will change to meat on the table.

Politicians always promise something, but seldom follow through with their promises. We never know any of that until after the election; naturally it’s, then, too late for us to change our vote.

Wouldn’t it be nice that instead of giving us empty promises, perhaps we could get a “plan in the hand” instead!? For instance, tell us exactly what you mean, "change"! The word “change” can mean a lot of things, like…

Changing our Heritage?
Changing our Religion?
Our diet?
Spare Change?
Changing our minds?
Our socks?
Our take home pay?
Tax level?
TV Channels?
Or changing tactics, like, taking the focus off an empty promise by attacking your opponent?

Meanwhile, our boys are dying in foreign wars while people are hungry and homeless right here in our own neighborhoods and millions of dollars are wasted on cheap talk, empty promises and character assignations. How many mouths would that amount feed? While we spend billions on a stupid war, to rescue a people who sit on multi-trillions worth of oil, yet not offer to reimburse us our investment into freeing them is unacceptable. It’s time to bring our boys home and take care of our own people in need.

It’s time we rescued our own country and stop trying to be World Police!

----Your Friendly Registered Independent

